So you might have noticed that Haddi and I have been a little less prolific in the last couple of months; heretofore dubbed “Fall’s Fall Off.” Haddi has a great excuse. She is incredibly busy with three classes at Villanova, one of which in a whole new format along with a new history class for church leaders. So you know, she’s busy reading all sorts of things, articles, essays, reflection and research papers.
I on the other hand, have no good excuse other than I’m just not reading as much. Ever since I returned from my silent retreat I have found it harder to engage the books before me. All of them are great, I am enjoying them in their own right, but to pick them up seems like a lot of work and just not high on my priority list.
Who knows why. Perhaps simply the change of the season. Or perhaps after 54 books I am simply over saturated with the written word. Whatever the cause this time, I know that soon it will pass….it always does and I look forward to curling up under a heavy blanket with some great fall reads and a glass of red wine. Fall is a great time to read some old favorites, so after I finish the three I’ve started and are sitting on my nightstand, I’m heading back to some beloved characters and stories!
Happy Fall Reading!