Welcome to the Book War

If this is your first time visiting The Book War, welcome! Be sure to visit the ‘About Us‘ page for a quick introduction to Hannah and myself and this crazy thing called ‘The Book War!’

If you’ve been on this journey with us over the past few years, thank you for sticking it out, and welcome to our new home page! As Hannah and I continue to ‘battle’ for reading supremacy we will endeavor to regularly update you all on our progress, provide witty and interesting book reviews and articles, as well as create and post phenomenal book lists so you’re never left wondering what book to pick up next!  

Heads-up all Book War fans! The first Battle check-in comes out at the end of March…stay tuned to find out how The Book War is progressing and whose winning in book count, page count, and whatever other stats Hannah is (obsessively) keeping track of throughout the year. 

Read on my friends!


Latest and Greatest at The Book War

Our Latest Book List in honor of
Black History Month & Valentine’s Day

A couple of Sunday evenings each month, Hannah and I get together on IG Live to discuss what we’ve been reading, what’s going on in the book world, and which books we’re looking forward to picking up. This year, we’ve decided that one BiblioTalk each month will be devoted to a discussion about a particular genre. In January we each read a Literary fiction book, in February we are reading Memoir/Biography, March is Historical Fiction…you get the idea. This is a great way for us to read ‘outside of our boxes’ and expand our reading ‘palettes,’ so-to-speak. So, if you’ve ever considered trying some new genres, join our BiblioTalks Live or visit www.thebookwar.com and click the link to our latest BiblioTalk to hear all about our adventures into different and unfamiliar genres and decide for yourself if you’re ready to take the risk! 😉 

The next Biblio Talk is Sunday March 17 @ 7pm CST. Since March is Historical Fiction month, we will be discussing our favorite historical fiction reads as well as chatting about our March genre reads!