As Hannah mentioned in her last blog, after not having any classes this past spring semester, I had a class in July, three at Nova this semester, and I was asked to create and teach a five week course on the ‘First 400 years of Christianity’ for the deacon education program at my church. Needless to say I got very busy, very fast. What can I say…when it rains it pours!!
So in an effort to at least stay in the game, I once again find myself listening to audio books during my commute. If you recall, my previous experience with audio books was not spectacular but I figured if I stood any chance of beating Hannah in this book war I had to find a way to utilize the 9+ hours per week I spend commuting back and forth to work. I am happy to report that I am enjoying the listening experience much more this time around!
I found that listening to fiction is not enjoyable for me but non-fiction holds my attention when I am listening in the car and since I feel like I am learning something I find the whole experience much more satisfying. I have listened to three audio books during my commute since the semester started, so I’m feeling very accomplished. My goal is to ‘read’ one book per week during this extremely busy semester and the audio books would be the extras that may help me win this book war. I’m a little behind but maybe I’ll just start picking up those skinny little books that Hannah reads….;)
Read on my friends!