Time to Celebrate!!

I hit a huge milestone…I finished my 100th book since the beginning of The Book War!! I’ve been tracking the books I read on Goodreads and I officially hit 100 books after I finished another book this morning! Wow! That’s an average of nearly 6 books per month!! It is safe to say that I have certainly learned quite a bit about myself and my reading addiction in the past year and a half. Here are the Top 10 things I’ve learned since the beginning of The Book War:

  1. Having an accountability partner (or entire blog readership) is a huge motivator!
  2. Getting to say you read more last year than your sister for the entirely of 2019 is kind of great!
  3. It’s totally ok to read what makes you happy and what makes you happy changes through out the year. Just go with it!
  4. Wanting to hear what happens next in my current Audible book will always get me out the door for an afternoon walk.
  5. Plane rides and car rides are the perfect time to listen to books.
  6. Establishing a ‘reading routine’ keeps me reading almost everyday.
  7. While reading on my Kindle is not the same as reading paper books, I enjoy it almost as much and it helps to keep my book cases from taking over my living space.
  8. Having a super comfy reading chair with a footstool and warm blanket is key!
  9. I need to always bring my Kindle with me when I leave my house. Every time I leave it at home I am mad at myself…just throw it in your bag already!!
  10. Even though sometimes I don’t feel like writing a blog, I always feel better after I have shared my reading experience with The Book War readers!

It’s been a crazy ride so far and I’m sure it will only get crazier as The Book War continues. Thanks to everyone who reads the blog, I hope you find it (at least) entertaining and perhaps even enlightening at times.

Read on my friends!

Two sisters blogging and sharing reviews and opinions about every type of book all year round.

The Book War


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