(5 / 5) – It Completes Me!
There are so many books in the world, that serial stories do not usually make it to the top of my “to be read” list; but after finishing Cixin Liu’s “The Three Body Problem,” I was hooked and dove directly into the second book in the trilogy, “The Dark Forest.”
We once again are taken on a sweeping journey of humanity’s response to life in the not too distant universe through the eyes, lives and thoughts of specific individuals. This book is broken down by eras as the Earth continues to respond to Trisolaris and the threat they pose immediately and for future generations.
Liu is a master storyteller. He is able to provide an epic saga alongside scientific and mathematical exposition through intricate and intimate stories of individuals living their lives. As in the first book, the pace of this novel is slower than what western audiences may be used to in their science fiction novels because it is so deeply character driven. We know the history, hopes, regrets and fears of those we follow in this novel and it is those people’s very lives that push this narrative forward.
I am utterly awed by Liu’s craft of storytelling and I cannot wait to read book number three and discover the conclusion to this uniquely human space opera.
Happy Reading!