Reading Challenge #2: October & November 2019

It’s that time again…Reading Challenge!!

Pretty sure the idea for this challenge was Hannah’s but somehow I got roped into writing the blog…hum? It is at least partially my own fault because my strange reading habits are what inspired Hannah’s idea…so here it is!

Reading Challenge #2: October & November 2019

As many of you already know, I love seasonal reading! What I mean by this is that at certain times of the year (think Christmas or Halloween) I read books that ‘put me in the mood.’ So at Christmas I always read Charles Dickens’, A Christmas Carol and John Grisham’s, Skipping Christmas, among others. And during the month of October I get into the creepy, dark, and cold feeling of Halloween by reading books such as Frankenstein and Dracula…you get the idea. Now, since Hannah knows this about me she decided we should stay within the Halloween theme for this next challenge but she threw a little curve ball at me…poetry.

Thankfully, it’s not an entire book of creepy, weird poems…dodged that bullet. We decided for this challenge we would both read Edgar Allan Poe’s,Β Great Tales and Poems and then blog about it when we finish. (Actually, I have already finished reading it but I didn’t get around to writing up the challenge until now so I’ll wait a bit before I blog about the book itself.) To be fair to Hannah, while poetry is not my favorite genre, I absolutely looooove short stories so really, we both win with this book.

This book includes a number of the classic Poe poems and short stories. You know…the ones we all read in high school (were supposed to read) but barely remember, as well as some new ones that I’ve never heard of before. I highly recommend picking up something creepy and dark to read this time of year. It’s so satisfying on a dark, stormy, windy night to sit in your favorite chair with your warm blanket and read something creepy and scary. LOVE IT!

Reading Challenge #2: October & November 2019 has now commenced.

Read on my friends!

Two sisters blogging and sharing reviews and opinions about every type of book all year round.

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