Whew! I am back in the lead!!! With 23 to Haddi’s 21 I am semi-solidly winning. It was a rough couple of weeks there as Haddi pulled pretty far ahead of me but you see, I have that beautiful trick up my sleeve…I am a LOVER of poetry and graphic novels so I grabbed a few and away I went, seven books read in two week and now….I’m right back in the lead!
Course all my blogging time has been spent reading, so I have a serious stack of books to try and blog about…sigh..
…but hey at least I’m in the lead right? And that is what’s really important I think ;).
I do have to say though I am realizing that both Haddi and I had about 20 books already read for the year by April 1st so that is pretty darn impressive at a little over 6 books a month…so gonna take this moment to pat myself (and I suppose Haddi too) on the back and then get right back down to it….reading, thinking and writing!
Thanks everyone for being on this journey with us. We are really enjoying it and it’s been fun to interact with so many of you through our book clubs, recommendations, shared reading, etc.
Here’s to a great April of happy reading!