I mentioned in an earlier post that my niece had loaned me a Manga series that I was going to delve into to expand my reading horizons. Well, I made it through the four volume series but honestly, I am not sure what to say about it…
I don’t feel like I can say anything about Manga as a genre after reading only one series but I can say that this story was dark, hopeless, and lacking in a moral center from which the characters’ behavior is determined. After reading the series and feeling like “wow, that pretty much sucked,” I asked my niece about themes in Manga and she informed me that oftentimes the themes are dark and morally nebulous so my assessment of this series appears to have hit the nail on the head, so to speak.
While I am glad to have experienced a completely different literary genre, I will not actively seek out Manga to read for pleasure, just not my thing. Alas, we live and learn.
Read on my friends!