Love a theme!!

In case there is any question…I LOVE a theme!! Somehow, a good theme makes everything just a little better and dare I say, easier?! A solid theme helps me to focus, whether it’s planning an event/party, brainstorming new ideas, or choosing the next book to read.

During the fall and winter I especially enjoy leaning into some themed reading. In October (and sometimes as early as September or August) I adore reading Gothic, atmospheric, spooky books to set the mood. The last few years during November I have participated in Non-Fiction November and thoroughly enjoyed devouring some fantastic non-fiction books I wouldn’t have picked up otherwise. And now…it’s the holiday season! Between Hanukkah (Dec. 7-15), Christmas (Dec. 25), and Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan.1) my holiday themed reading choices ‘runneth over!’ 

I find having a theme for my reading helps me to narrow down my choices when I feel overwhelmed by all of the books “I need to read.” There is just SO MUCH amazing literature out there that having a more narrow focus for a period of time allows me to fully immerse myself and savor the time I spend reading. Themes also help to set the mood of the season. In the fall, I love the cool crisp change in the weather, the leaves start to fall, and rainy, cold, windy nights are perfect for reading a ghost story curled up in my chair. As an adult, December can become more about obligation than anticipation and goodwill, but reading holiday themed books helps to remind me to slow down a bit and enjoy the blessings of the season. 

I have a couple of books that I read every December because I honestly love the stories and after reading them so many years in a row, I have created my own Christmas reading tradition. The first book I ever started to read regularly was Charles Dickens’, A Christmas Carol. I still have clear memories of reading this novella in my bedroom when I was in high school. I had my own Christmas tree and lights strung in my room and the snow was falling outside. Some moments you never forget. Another yearly read for me is John Grisham’s, Skipping Christmas. I read this tiny little story for the first time back in 2007! And it still makes me laugh out loud!! So funny! 

If you’re excited about starting your own reading tradition stay tuned to The Book War for some holiday themed book lists throughout the month of December! 

Wishing everyone Season’s Readings!

-Haddi encourages you to support local, small, independent bookstores whenever possible. If you would like to purchase online while still supporting independent bookstores, please consider purchasing from

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Two sisters blogging and sharing reviews and opinions about every type of book all year round.

The Book War


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