(3 / 5) Moonlight and the Pearler’s Daughter – Lizzie Pook
Historical fiction is one of my go-to genres and in particular, I love a good female protagonist so needless to say, this novel caught my attention. This is the story of a young woman in Australia during the period of pearl-diving, whose father is lost at sea and her journey to discover the truth of his disappearance.
This novel was an easy read (I read it when I was quarantined at home with COVID) and Pook offers an intriguing story with a lovable cast of characters. It is clear that Pook did her historical research as she utilizes language/jargon throughout the book that honestly, I found a bit annoying because I am not familiar with pearler-jargon. She could have made it less irritating by providing enough context in the narrative to explain the vernacular but she did not and since I was not going to look-up a bunch of words, I simply moved on.
This book is a solid 3 stars, it’s not the most profound of historical fiction novels but it is entertaining and I certainly learned a bit about colonial Australia and the pearl-diving era. The characters are not particularly complex but Pook offers enough character development to keep the reader interested in their stories. I would recommend this novel to anyone looking for a light, interesting, mystery book with a slight feminist slant.
Read on my friends.
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