Book Review: Healing Rage by Ruth King

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)– It Completes Me!

I have always been able to access my anger.  There are many reasons for this, but as an adult it has clearly become my super power.  Many friends, relatives, and acquaintances have found my righteous indignation helpful in metabolizing their own anger and frustration. So when I read about Ruth King in “YES Magazine” earlier this year and this particular book, I was excited to pick it up and digest her wisdom and insights.  

I want to be clear, I am a upper middle class white woman who has never been the victim of sexual violence, physical or mental abuse which means this book was not written “for me.”  I am not the audience King is writing to, which she compassionately makes clear in her introduction.  King does encourage all readers to stick with her book which I did and it provided great information for deeper articulation and growth in my own life and access to rage.

King offers a myriad of anger types that come from childhood experiences and like all things, the ability to name this type provides valuable nomenclature which allows for personal growth, evolution and intentional shifting.  Knowing how we process and react to conflict allows us the opportunity to choose different responses that hopefully will have less devastation to our own psyche and in relationship to others.  

I am deeply grateful for King’s book and insights.  She accesses the positive values of rage and anger while offering language that helps clarify the internal process and external behaviors around anger.  I am confident I will return to this book many times throughout my lifetime and I would highly recommend it, particularly to those in vocations that call us to engage the anger and rage of others.

Happy Reading!

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